God’s Purpose for Marriage

Jason DeMars Marriage

As we grow up and notice what our culture has presented to us about marriage, we realize it is a very shallow view. Cultures around the world are different, but they are all contrary to the Word of God. Most of us have a selfish idea about marriage. In the West, and increasing elsewhere around the world, there is a romantic view of marriage. The purview is, that love is something you fall into, can be evidenced by divorce rates, and is something you fall out of, as well. If marriage isn’t easy and full of romance, people feel that …

Fifty Years of Marriage

Fifty years is a long time! I set in the fellowship hall of our church, celebrating with my lovely wife fifty years of marriage while thinking back over that time. My thoughts went back to the time we first met. Time passes so quickly, and yet I do not say it seemed like yesterday. I was a young preacher boy of eighteen, and my future wife, Mary (which I had not yet met) was almost seventeen. She attended a revival with her family, which I was preaching. On the third night of those special services, she gave her heart to …

Don’t let your “smart device” become a “sin device”

Can you put your smartphone down

Today, most of us use our smartphones and devices more than we would care to admit. We feel as if we always need to be checking it. We have a fear of missing out. Even when we have a conversation with someone, we will often pull out our phone to share a picture or look up a fact. Smart devices are eroding our ability to communicate. Have you ever noticed at a restaurant if two people are eating together, and one of them gets up to use the restroom, instantly the person sitting at the table pulls out their phone? …



As a mom, what do you consider a well-lived life? Many of us will have different answers with, I trust, being a borned again, surrendered Christian serving the Lord Jesus with all our heart at the top of the list. For with God we are capable of doing all that He calls us to. And without Him at the end of life what else will matter? FOR WHAT SHALL IT PROFIT A MAN, IF HE SHALL GAIN THE WHOLE WORLD, AND LOSE HIS OWN SOUL? MARK 8:36 But what else as a mom, wife, homemaker do you consider to be …

Don’t let a text ignite a misunderstanding

Texting Misunderstanding

Texting can be a convenient way to communicate. There are days that Crista and I will use texting to figure out where to meet, what the kids have going on, who’s taking who to their activities. For those types of situations, texting can be useful. However, communicating through text regarding an emotional situation or a situation that doesn’t have a quick answer, can often lead to a misunderstanding. It often goes like this: His wife just walked into the kitchen and found her son with yogurt all over himself and the floor. It takes her 30 minutes to respond to …

70% of pastors do not have a close friend

Pastor's family life

Being a pastor is not easy, and the ministry can be demanding upon their family. Most pastors are bi-vocational, so they are juggling work, being a pastor, while trying to carve out time with their family. It’s easy to view our pastor as an anchor that will always be there. But like us all, they go through the ups and downs of life. Ways to encourage your pastor Pray for your pastor and his family daily. Let him know that you appreciate him. Allow him and his family to be human. Attend church regularly. Gossip can destroy a church. Be …

42 Lessons that I have learned.

Lessons that I have learned

I’m getting ready to celebrate my 42nd birthday. This post is an updated post that I had written a while back. It’s a few lessons that I have learned on this journey. People that know and love you will forgive you. Loyal friendships are a rarity. Living in the present moment is much more challenging than living in the past or dreaming of the future. The grass is not greener on the other side. A person that has a hard demeanor and is often angered is dealing with some internal issues. Respect and love go hand and hand. Doing the …

Complaining can become a habit

Family Complaining

One of my favorite family Christmas traditions is reading from a grateful journal that we keep as a family. Throughout the year, each of us will write down what we are thankful for. Some of the entries are as simple as going out for ice cream while others are more serious such as God keeping a family member for being seriously hurt. This past Christmas as we read aloud each entry from 2018, I was reminded how blessed our family had been. Like all families, we had ups and downs, but through it, all God provided. Crista and I want …

The Prayer Stump

prayer stump

Several years ago, I was with my son cutting firewood in his woods.  As we cut a particular tree down, we left a stump from this tree by the path in the woods.  At one point I felt impressed to carve a cross in the top of the stump with my chainsaw.  At that time, it did not seem to matter where I put it.  I also carved an “H” next to the cross (which stands for our last name, Herron).  As my grandchildren arrived home from school, of course, they wanted to help us.  While in the woods, I …

59 Verses from Proverbs for Families


Though Solomon made a lot of mistakes, he is still considered the wisest man that ever lived.  I love the book of Proverbs because of the wisdom it provides for everyday living.  Below are fifty-nine verses, that I find helpful as a parent to guide my children.  If you have not read the book of Proverbs in a while, take a month and read one chapter a day.   What is your favorite verse from Proverbs? My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not. Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee: Trust in the Lord with all thine …