

Wise Decisions

Life constantly presents us with decisions. At certain stages of life, our choices may seem more significant than at other times. But no matter, from our youngest age to our oldest age, there will be decisions. In our decision process, we should consider Biblical principles that will help us make wise decisions.  If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God… James 1:5 PRAY First and foremost, prayer should be the first thing we do when faced with a decision. Pray honestly. Try to be neutral in your prayer. Prayer is the key to understanding what God wants …

Would you let your child smoke?


The title is a rhetorical question, but hopefully, it grabbed your attention.  Social Media gained popularity with teenagers over a decade ago. It started with Myspace and then evolved to Facebook. Today, Youtube, Instagram, Tik Tok, and Snapchat are just a few popular social media platforms amongst preteens and teens. At first, Social Media was viewed as a novelty, but now that there has been a decade of data, we are finding out the adverse effects and addictiveness it can have on teenagers and adults. “I’m convinced that within a five-year window, the culture’s gonna shift on young people and …

Time with God – a morning routine

Morning Routine

I carefully protect that first hour of the day, making sure that all input is positive, clean, pure, creative, and inspirational.  Dan Miller, author of The Rudder of the day Does your morning ever play out like this? You hit snooze too many times, and you are running late. One of the kids can’t find their shoes, while the other forgot to do their homework. Scarfing down breakfast, you rush out the door. By mid-morning, you are muttering, “It’s been one of those days!” We all will have those types of mornings, but we can help set the tone of our …

The Greatest Gift

Christmas Gift

2020 has been a challenging year for many families. The world is a different place than it was this time last year. For some families, Covid has caused health issues or even death. For many, it has affected their finances, or they have lost their livelihood. For others, it has caused a strain in relationships because of the difference in opinions.  It’s Christmas time, and it’s a great reminder of who is trustworthy, consistent, and true. For God so loved us that He became flesh and started His earthly journey in a manger. He resides in us and will never …

Coronavirus – Let’s show our children

Coronavirus Family Reset

Like most Americans, my family and I have been spending a lot of time together since the Coronavirus outbreak. In one way, it has been an excellent opportunity to reset as a family. Lately, we have lingered longer around the dinner table, talking and laughing. Most evenings, Crista and I have been taking walks. We will usually run into a neighbor and talk with them for a while. No one seems to be in a hurry.   I am reminded of an old Andy Griffith episode of a salesman who is stranded in Mayberry, and he is upset that everybody and …

My Daughter, The Miracle Girl

Darrell Ward

It was a warm sunny afternoon on March 14, 1995. Little did our family know the tragedy that awaited us before the day would end. Most of our family was at Wal-Mart for a closing day sale. My father-in-law, Homer Arnold, and I were out running errands when we saw our family at Wal-Mart. We went in the store to be with our families. At about 5:30, my father-in-law decided to take his youngest daughter Rachel and my daughter Jessica with him to get the Girl Scout Cookie money and take Rachel to her Scout meeting. He lived on Lakecrest, …

If I had been born in Asia, would I had been a Hindu?

Teens and Questions

“If I had been born in Asia, would I had been a Hindu?” One of our children asked earnestly. The question led to an honest conversation about God and His Word. Since the kids were little, we’ve tried to foster an environment where we allow questions. Our guidelines are that the question must be asked in a respectful manner and from a sincere heart. As parents, the easy route is to shut down any question that makes us feel uncomfortable. We can create an environment that shames a kid or puts fear on them for asking questions, but that does …

A Christmas Memory

Christmas Memory

My favorite Christmas memory is going to my Nannie and Pa’s house every Christmas Eve.  Though they only lived an hour away from us, it seemed to take forever.  Once we pulled down the gravel street that they lived on, I was busting with excitement.  There was not a TV in the living room to entertain us.  There were no smartphones to draw us away from the people we were with.   Conversations filled with laughter were our form of entertainment.  There would be several conversations going on at one time, and you just picked the one you wanted to …

Don’t let your “smart device” become a “sin device”

Can you put your smartphone down

Today, most of us use our smartphones and devices more than we would care to admit. We feel as if we always need to be checking it. We have a fear of missing out. Even when we have a conversation with someone, we will often pull out our phone to share a picture or look up a fact. Smart devices are eroding our ability to communicate. Have you ever noticed at a restaurant if two people are eating together, and one of them gets up to use the restroom, instantly the person sitting at the table pulls out their phone? …



As a mom, what do you consider a well-lived life? Many of us will have different answers with, I trust, being a borned again, surrendered Christian serving the Lord Jesus with all our heart at the top of the list. For with God we are capable of doing all that He calls us to. And without Him at the end of life what else will matter? FOR WHAT SHALL IT PROFIT A MAN, IF HE SHALL GAIN THE WHOLE WORLD, AND LOSE HIS OWN SOUL? MARK 8:36 But what else as a mom, wife, homemaker do you consider to be …