Time with God – a morning routine

Morning Routine

I carefully protect that first hour of the day, making sure that all input is positive, clean, pure, creative, and inspirational.  Dan Miller, author of The Rudder of the day

Does your morning ever play out like this? You hit snooze too many times, and you are running late. One of the kids can’t find their shoes, while the other forgot to do their homework. Scarfing down breakfast, you rush out the door. By mid-morning, you are muttering, “It’s been one of those days!” We all will have those types of mornings, but we can help set the tone of our day if we get up a few minutes earlier and spend time with God.

Whether individually or together, if a family will spend intentional time each morning with God, it will create the right atmosphere in the home and also give strength to handle the daily challenges.

If you don’t spend time with God each morning, I challenge you to give it a try. Below is a few ideas that might inspire.

Read encouraging scriptures

Instead of grabbing our phones in the morning and looking at social media or skimming the news, we should read our Bible first. The book of Psalms is an excellent place to start. The Bible has stood the test of time, and it will provide you strength for your day. 

Recently, I’ve been dealing with an issue in my business. The past several days, I’ve been reading Psalms 91. It has been an encouragement to read the words that David wrote, “I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God in Him will I trust.”


My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up. Psalm 5:3

David knew what daily problems were. He had experienced about every category of issues you can imagine. David also knew who to take his concerns to. He started every morning in prayer to almighty God.

Like David, we should begin our day with a conversation with God. He knows exactly what your day will be like, so it only makes sense to talk with Him first. 

Read a Devotion

I like to start each day reading from a devotional book that highlights the Bible’s principles that will help me in my daily life. 

Two devotional books that I have used are Morning and Evenings by Charles Spurgeon and Our Daily Strength.

Listen to music that focuses on trusting God

Lately, each morning I’ve been listening to songs by Don Moen, such as “Trust and Obey,” “God will make a way,” “In His time.” Listening to songs that focus on trusting God reminds me to trust God to help me through the day ahead. 

Final thought

We don’t know what exactly lies ahead each day. It is easy to become anxious and feel overloaded. That is why spending consistent time with God each morning helps keep our perspective in check. It reminds us that no matter what comes, we can trust God. The promises in the Bible are for our benefit.

If you have small children, it can be challenging to carve out a few minutes in the morning. Start small. Do what you can do, but do it consistently. 

If you are like me, you will find that your morning routine with God is the highlight of your day.