Coronavirus – Let’s show our children

Coronavirus Family Reset

Like most Americans, my family and I have been spending a lot of time together since the Coronavirus outbreak. In one way, it has been an excellent opportunity to reset as a family. Lately, we have lingered longer around the dinner table, talking and laughing. Most evenings, Crista and I have been taking walks. We will usually run into a neighbor and talk with them for a while. No one seems to be in a hurry.  

Coronavirus God's Promises

I am reminded of an old Andy Griffith episode of a salesman who is stranded in Mayberry, and he is upset that everybody and everything moves so slow. He can’t seem to get his car fixed so he can leave. The episode ends with Barney and Andy sitting on the porch humming, “Church in the Wildwood” and strumming the guitar. The salesman comes out on the porch and stands, and he realizes that the people of Mayberry have something he does not obtain. They take the time to appreciate life.  

I challenge us all during this time of social distancing that we deepen our relationship with God, our spouse, and children. Spend time praying, talking, and playing together. We should focus on being grateful and not on what we are missing out on. 

Let’s show our children that we believe in the power of prayer. Pray for those that have been affected by the Coronavirus. Pray for those whose jobs are in jeopardy. Pray for the leaders of our country and the pastors of churches.  

When Jesus walked on earth, it was troubling times. He spoke these comforting words, “Peace I leave with you, my Peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27.  We are humans, and worry is natural, but may we hold onto the promises of God. May we show our children that we believe and trust in His promises.

We would love to hear how you and your family are spending your time together.