Don’t let your “smart device” become a “sin device”

Can you put your smartphone down

Today, most of us use our smartphones and devices more than we would care to admit. We feel as if we always need to be checking it. We have a fear of missing out. Even when we have a conversation with someone, we will often pull out our phone to share a picture or look up a fact.

Smart devices are eroding our ability to communicate.

Have you ever noticed at a restaurant if two people are eating together, and one of them gets up to use the restroom, instantly the person sitting at the table pulls out their phone?

Smart devices are eroding our ability to be alone with our thoughts.

How much time do we waste each day strolling through social media or consuming information?

American adults spend more than 11 hours per day watching, reading, or consuming media.

Tip:  There are apps that you can set to limit your use of social media.  I have my phone setup where it alerts me after I have been on Instagram for 5 minutes. 

Technology is here to stay. It is so embedded in our lives. I love the ability to be able to text a friend across the world or to be able to get directions to somewhere I am going. It is nice for my children to be able to facetime their grandparents who live several hours away.

On the flip side, technology is being used for evil much more than for good. We need to be aware of Satan’s cunning ways.

  • 1 out of 3 divorces started with an online affair.
  • 60% of church going men view pornography monthly. It is a sin that we don’t like to address, but it is a real issue.

Most sin tends to feed into the realm of curiosity.

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7

Do not trust yourself nor your family in navigating upon the road of the internet and social media by themselves. Within ourselves, we are not strong enough. Giving a child a device with no filter or boundaries is not wise. We should place as many safeguards as possible to protect ourselves and our families.

As with anything, if it is destroying your life, my advice would be to get rid of it. It is not worth it.

If we ever needed the Lord to watch over us and protect us from the snares of Satan, it sure is now.


  1. Steve

    I always enjoy reading every article that is posted in this blog.This article is also very enlightening to the day we are living in. Yes, smart devices are useful and helpful, but we also need to control them and not the smart devices control us. We all can agree they can rob us of personal time with our families, and especially that “personal” time with our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Thanks Brother for this and all the articles that have been shared through this blog.
    God Bless

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