Monthly Archives: May 2019

Don’t let your “smart device” become a “sin device”

Can you put your smartphone down

Today, most of us use our smartphones and devices more than we would care to admit. We feel as if we always need to be checking it. We have a fear of missing out. Even when we have a conversation with someone, we will often pull out our phone to share a picture or look up a fact. Smart devices are eroding our ability to communicate. Have you ever noticed at a restaurant if two people are eating together, and one of them gets up to use the restroom, instantly the person sitting at the table pulls out their phone? …



As a mom, what do you consider a well-lived life? Many of us will have different answers with, I trust, being a borned again, surrendered Christian serving the Lord Jesus with all our heart at the top of the list. For with God we are capable of doing all that He calls us to. And without Him at the end of life what else will matter? FOR WHAT SHALL IT PROFIT A MAN, IF HE SHALL GAIN THE WHOLE WORLD, AND LOSE HIS OWN SOUL? MARK 8:36 But what else as a mom, wife, homemaker do you consider to be …