70% of pastors do not have a close friend

Pastor's family life

Being a pastor is not easy, and the ministry can be demanding upon their family. Most pastors are bi-vocational, so they are juggling work, being a pastor, while trying to carve out time with their family. It’s easy to view our pastor as an anchor that will always be there. But like us all, they go through the ups and downs of life.

Ways to encourage your pastor

  • Pray for your pastor and his family daily.
  • Let him know that you appreciate him.
  • Allow him and his family to be human.
  • Attend church regularly.
  • Gossip can destroy a church. Be careful what we say.

Pastoral Statistics

80% believe pastoral ministry has negatively affected their families. Many pastor’s children do not attend church now because of what the church has done to their parents.

65% of pastors feel their family lives in a “glass house” and fear they are not good enough to meet expectations.

23% of pastors report being distant to their family.

78% of pastors report having their vacation and personal time interrupted with ministry duties or expectations.

65% of pastors feel they have not taken enough vacation time with their family over the last 5 years.

35% of pastors report the demands of the church denies them from spending time with their family.

24% of pastor’s families resent the church and its effect on their family.

22% of pastor’s spouses reports the ministry places undue expectations on their family.

66% of church members expect a minister and family to live at a higher moral standard than themselves.

95% of pastors report not praying daily or regularly with their spouse.

53% of pastors are concerned about their future family financial security.

75% of pastors report significant stress-related crisis at least once in their ministry.

35% of pastors battle depression or fear of inadequacy.

26% of pastors report being over fatigued.

70% of pastors do not have someone they consider to be a close friend.

27% of pastors report not having anyone to turn to for help in a crisis situation.

Statistics provided by The Fuller Institute, George Barna, Lifeway, Schaeffer Institute of Leadership Development, and Pastoral Care Inc.


  1. Fanuel

    As a pastor I can relate to most of the things being said here. It’s a pity that people expect the pastor to be superhuman

  2. Steve

    Thank you so much Brother Michael, this is so true. I’m sure many pastors can relate to this article. I enjoy reading your blog. God Bless

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