42 Lessons that I have learned.

Lessons that I have learned

I’m getting ready to celebrate my 42nd birthday. This post is an updated post that I had written a while back. It’s a few lessons that I have learned on this journey.

People that know and love you will forgive you.

Loyal friendships are a rarity.

Living in the present moment is much more challenging than living in the past or dreaming of the future.

The grass is not greener on the other side.

A person that has a hard demeanor and is often angered is dealing with some internal issues.

Respect and love go hand and hand.

Doing the right thing is not always easy, but it is the right thing to do.

God loves variety, so He made us each different and unique.

A grateful heart is a tender heart.

Comparing our lives to others will only breed discontentment.

God knows what each can handle, so we should be careful minimizing the burden that someone else is carrying.

I might can influence someone, but I can not change them. Only God can.

A smile can help brighten someone’s day.

God will reveal what he wants us to know when He wants us to know, if we genuinely desire Him.

Spending each morning reading the Bible and praying, sets the tone for the day.

The foundation of every doctrine that we believe should be rooted in the Bible.

My most important calling in this season, is being a husband and dad.

Life can change drastically within 5 minutes.

Sometimes we hold onto an idea, a belonging or a relationship too long. Know when it is time to change or let go.

At the end, a grudge will only poison you.

It is okay to say, “I don’t understand why this happened, but I’m just trusting you, God.”

Living an honest life with flaws is better than living a mirage that appears perfect.

It is okay for my spouse not to agree with me.

We should dream and have ambitions, but hold them loosely in case they do not match God’s desire for our life.

Most of my decisions in life are based upon faith.

It is good to pause and reflect upon your life.

Idle gossip hurts.

Choose carefully what we say yes to. When we say “yes” to someone or something, we must say “no” to something else.

Trying to live other peoples convictions will only lead to confusion. Search out your own soul salvation.

If a friendship is dependent upon you agreeing with them, then the relationship might not be worth pursuing.

If you do not live intentionally, you will be easily distracted.

Be leery of people that love drama.

Godly wisdom does not automatically come by getting older. It is a gift from God.

Silence is not a sign of weakness.

We often Glorify the church of the past and forget that the God who helped them is here to help us.

Some things are worth fighting for, and some things are not. It takes godly wisdom to distinguish the difference.

We do not need to defend God. We just need to be His witness.

If you want to know what is important to you, review where you spend your time and your money.

As a Christian man, I have a responsibility to protect my wife and children.

Enjoy your family today. Don’t wait until “Some Day.”

Children are very forgiving.

Through Christ, the best is yet to come

What are some life lessons that you have learned?


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