The Prayer Stump

prayer stump

Several years ago, I was with my son cutting firewood in his woods.  As we cut a particular tree down, we left a stump from this tree by the path in the woods.  At one point I felt impressed to carve a cross in the top of the stump with my chainsaw.  At that time, it did not seem to matter where I put it.  I also carved an “H” next to the cross (which stands for our last name, Herron).  As my grandchildren arrived home from school, of course, they wanted to help us.  While in the woods, I told them this was their “prayer stump” and anytime they had a need or a problem, they could come here and kneel down at this stump and talk to the Lord.

That following Friday I went back over to my son’s house so we could split the wood we had cut. When I went back to that “prayer stump” I was amazed at what I saw; there at the foot of the cross, were vines that had grown and formed an “H”.  I did not notice this before that day. God knew where He wanted the cross to be on that stump.  That is how our approach to God should be, kneeling down at the foot of the cross.

In the book of Joshua, the children of Israel needed God to make a way for them to cross over Jordan.  So, God had Joshua to tell the people to lay down a stone at this place.  There were 12 stones, one from each tribe.  And he said when your children see these stones they will ask, “What meaneth these stones?”  And you tell them how God helped you on this day at this place.  The stones we lay for our children and grandchildren are our solid personal testimonies of what the Lord has done for us, and that He will do the same for them. 

I love to spend time with my children and grandchildren and to do things like camping and playing games.  But, I also want them to know that I had a personal walk with the Lord and that He has been there for me all the time, through everything and He will be there for them too.  That is the most important stone we can leave them.  He is always there to listen, no matter where you are, especially if you are at the special “prayer stump” in the quietness of your woods.

A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children…  Proverbs 13:22