A Lasting Impact

A Lasting Impact William Andes

As a child, I was raised in a home that was filled with faith, fun, and love. Many memories come to mind when I recall the times we had together as a family. At our home, we enjoyed having youth meetings, building small forts in our backyard, and taking family vacations. While all of these things were enjoyable, the most important thing that I remember was my mother and fathers’ sincere desire to serve the Lord with all of their hearts.

My father’s name is Daniel, and my mother’s name is Shannon. Isaac and Ethan are my two older brothers who loved to pick on me. My parents didn’t have much during their early years of marriage. They lived in a couple of different trailers and lived on a strict budget. My dad worked at Voice of God recordings for 13 years, while my mom tutored at home and gave piano lessons to help make ends meet.

When my parents started out, they clung to the scripture Mathew 6:33. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.”

I can remember as a child sitting at our kitchen table in our first house. We had four stools around the kitchen table. There are 5 of us in the family, and I am the youngest. I would sit on the trash can and eat while the rest of the family ate their dinners sitting on the stools.

My dad, who is a minister, has always been a spiritual rock and leader for so many. He constantly allotted time for others while being a strong leader and influence to us children. My life has been shaped because of the stand that Dad took from his youth to serve the Lord with his whole soul, mind, and body. He would spend time with us boys hunting, fishing, and doing various activities. My dad was and is a spiritual rock for me. While he worked hard, he has never strived to be materialistic but to serve the Lord and provide for his family with everything he had. I can remember hearing him earnestly praying out to God over our souls. His close relation to the Lord Jesus helped keep me strong.

My mother is one of the sweetest women you will ever meet. She homeschooled all three of us boys, and never ceased to amaze me with her energy. She came from Oldham County Kentucky and was raised on a beef cattle farm. I often hear young people talk about teachers they admire and appreciate. My mom was one of those teachers. She had a way of teaching the Bible and lessons to us that made the subjects stick. She played the piano for our church and would play for me when I sung at different churches. She was a rock for me on several occasions growing up. If dad wasn’t home because of work or other obligations, she would faithfully open the Bible in the mornings and the evenings to have devotions with us.

Because of my parents’ sincere desires to serve the Lord with all their hearts, they have made a lasting impact on my spiritual walk. I am thankful for their guidance and leadership during the years in my life that seemed hectic. They helped shape me into who I am today. Without them, I have no idea where I would be. I am thankful for their stand in the Word of God and the convictions they held to keep pressing on for the kingdom of the Lord Jesus.  I desire to serve the Lord Jesus Christ with all that is within me. If I can possess even a fraction of the character that my parents have, I will be doing something right. Each day is a day for me to be thankful for their lasting influence in my life. The Bible says, ”Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” My parents did everything they could to train me up in the ways of God to live an overcoming life. I will always be grateful for their daily sacrifice and dedication to press on in the battle.